Welcome to the Höhlenrettung Baden-Württemberg e.V.

The Baden-Württemberg Cave Rescue Organisation is a voluntary organisation whose aim is to efficiently and inexpensively rescue anyone needing help from any of the many caves located in the state of Baden-Württemberg in Germany. It was founded in 1985 and today has around 170 members.

Amongst the general members, the rescue group contains experienced nurses, paramedics and doctors for medical support and a number of experts technically qualified and experienced in communication and cave rigging. This is essential for a safe and rapid evacuation of the injured person.

In the particularly difficult situations involving rescue under water, or from water filled passages, several of our members are experienced cave divers.

As our members are spread widely over the state of Baden-Württemberg, Germany, we have coverage of this area and can reach most caves.

We see our purpose not only in rescuing injured cavers but also in working to prevent caving accidents from happening in the first place. To these ends, we run a programme of instruction and training in aspects of safety and rescue techniques. In addition, we are involved with the safety and testing of equipment.

In addition to the willingness to help other people, the ability to work in a team is particularly important to us. Cave rescue is teamwork - together we can do more!

We rely solely on donations for our income and do not receive any subsidies from the government or elsewhere.

The main pages describe our activities, within our organisation, activities outside our organisation and rescues.

If we have raised your interest and you would like to join our organisation, or just financially support it, just drop us a line at the address below and we can send you details.

Also, if you have any questions, comments, or would like more information, please just get in-touch and we would be very happy to assist. Most of us can speak English.

Contact data:

     Postal address:
     Höhlenrettung Baden-Württemberg e. V.
     c/o Jürgen Staufer
     Friedhofstr. 37/3,
     71573 Allmersbach im Tal

     E-Mail: info@hoehlenrettung-bw.de
     Tel. 0170-4929338